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Or so my wife keeps telling me...

Cowboy Bebop-
Simply an awesome series. This is a tale of two bounty hunters, a con-woman, a teen hacker and their dog and their many adventures together. Over the course of the 26 episodes CB does a great job of telling many little self-contained stories, while at the same time telling a bigger, reoccuring story. The end is great and leaves you wanting more. This is probably my favorite anime of all time. Check it out now!

Score: 10 out of 10 crates
Neon Genesis Evangelion-
One of the more famous anime series out there, EVA definitely lives up to its billing. It is excellent, if not a bit confusing. It's nothing too outrageous for the most part, but the last 2 episodes will leave your mind in a daze. It really is a terrific series, but don't expect to fully understand it the first time through.

Score: 8 out of 10 crates
FLCL (Fooly Cooly/ Furi Kuri)-
Insane... that is the best word to describe FLCL. It's crazy in that genius kind of way. I'm sure I could watch FLCL another 10 times and find cool new things each time through. It's a tough series to wrap your head around, but tremendous just the same.

Score: 9 out of 10 crates
Read or Die-
R.O.D. is a short but sweet 3 part series. It revolves around a British government agent who has the ability to control and manipulate paper. R.O.D. is full of action and has a pretty cool story to match. If you are looking for a relatively short, fast paced adventure you could do a lot worse than Read or Die.

Score: 9 out of 10 crates
Blue Submarine No. 6-
Blue Sub is pretty cool. The animation is good, but the transitions between the traditional 2D and the 3D stuff can be jarring at times. The story is good. It just left me feeling that there was a whole back story that I was supposed to know but didn't. For some reson it just felt like a sequel. It's worth chekcing out if you're looking for a short little something, but don't expect too much from it.

Score: 6 out of 10 crates
Voices of a Distant Star-
As brilliant as it is brief. This 25 minute masterpiece stands on its own as a remarkable piece of art/storytelling. When you take into account that it was all(except for the new voice work) done by one guy, you can't help but be blown away. Voices is an insant classic that anybody should enjoy.

Score: 10 out of 10 crates
Escaflowne: The Movie-
Escaflowne the movie is a mild disappointment, being a huge fan of the series. It's like they took the series and then hacked the story, messed up the art style, ripped out most of the action, threw in some weird super powers for no reason, and then crammed what was left into a hour and a half. It's not a bad movie, but if you haven't seen the series already, this movie probably won't make you want to.

Score: 7 out of 10 crates